
After our blissful 3 days off at the beach, we headed north again for our next stop in North Carolina. The last two driving days were a little difficult for me, especially since I've picked up a little cough (and I'm just feeling antsy!). However, it was all worth it because we stopped at SOUTH OF THE BORDER.

This place is ridiculously offensive! Playing on a million stereotypes, this ghost-town/rest stop has sombreros and a larger-than-life statue a dude named Pedro. Why did they put up a Mexican-themed carnival off of I-95 on the border of North and South Carolina? Is there a large Hispanic population there? Needless to say....I got a kick out of it.

Now we are in North Carolina, near East Carolina University, for a few days. I really enjoy the "sit down" stops where we can park our stuff in one hotel for a few nights. What a luxury.

The tour is still great fun...but I must admit...the novelty of living out of a suitcase/hotels is wearing off. I have a new found appreciation for unpacking. For sleeping in the same bed. How I've compensated for not having a home is by trying to keep some semblance of a routine. I wake up early every morning, I bought full bottles of my shampoo/conditioner so I'll smell the same every day (hotel soap is disgusting), and I try to have the same breakfast every day, etc.

Three shows tomorrow!


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