U/S Update

View from the roof terrace
Man, yesterday was a lot of fun. Being on stage and playing with other actors is..pretty much my favorite  thing to do in the world. Seems like its an exaggeration, but its not. Theres no other place I'd rather be. I was well prepared and after the jitters went away, I felt pretty comfortable. Others were asking what time it was, whining about how hungry they were, wanting to go home...I wanted to stay.

My main goal was to be prepared with the lines, timing, and blocking so that I could effectively hold the absent actress' place while the tech team did their job. I think I did that well - although I wish I could have had more time to work with the lines on stage, so I could have given a better example of what I know I can do with this character.

Today I'll be back in the audience....womp womp.


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