Study Study Understudy

Washington Circle

Oh, hey there winter.

Its been a gloomy and rainy week in Washington, D.C.

The week I've been waiting for - Understudy Rehearsal week - is upon us! Aka...time to make my poor roommate run lines with me ad-nauseam. I bet she could go on as an understudy, she's read the script so many times.

I'm checking into the show, as per usual, at 9:45a, but them coming back at 3pm for rehearsals that guess what, I get to participate in! At each rehearsal I'll run a different characters track, or role.

Its a small party of the stage manager, a few tech folks, the dance captain, the male understudy, and myself. Its helpful to finally get on the stage and get a sense of the all the running around. One character changes costumes and props at warp speed; I was watching the show from backstage today to take some more detailed notes so I'd be better prepared for today's rehearsal.

Theres a lot of jumping and running up and down stairs involved. It wasn't until I got home that I realized my glutes were sore. Children's theater is not only entertaining, its great exercise.

PS: Props to Starbucks for playing bossanova in the spirit of the season, instead of just playing the same old Christmas playlist being heard absolutely everywhere.

PPS: Happy first night of Hanukkah!


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