Huge Orioles Fan (for the day)

Filming a commercial is infinitely better than temping.

You get to be outside, meet new people, and wear lots of sports swag.

I've never had so much home-team spirit before. In reality, I know next to nothing about baseball, except for the one time I watched the World Series. I still didn't quite pick up on all the rules.

A few casting offices in Baltimore have my info on file, and I received an out-of-the-blue email on Saturday telling me that I was cast and would be needed on Monday. This is why I love having a flexible schedule; all I needed to do was hop in my car, move some plans around, and now I'm in Maryland.

The commercial was a blast to film. The idea is that there are Orioles fans everywhere, especially in and around Baltimore. I was in three set-ups through the day. When this commercial airs, you will definitely see my face!

The first set-up was in a great little bar overlooking the water in the Baltimore Yacht Arena. At 9am, myself and two actors were drinking beers and watching the game. Turns out one of the guys was the husband of someone I did a show with four years ago. This acting community just gets smaller and smaller and longer you are in it.

The second set-up, I was a neighbor cheering on the local kids playing a game of ball in the street, and the third set-up I was a young Mom, with two adorable three-year old girls running towards me.

I keep getting cast as young-mom characters. When people first look at me, they are astonished that I, with my baby face, would play a mother. Once the hair goes back in a pony tail and I wipe off some makeup, people get it. Apparently I look totally different depending on how my hair and makeup is. I guess I have a very versatile "look."

It was a very fun day. I like being in front of the camera and commercial work is a nice change from the stage work I'm accustomed to. Filming is much more meticulous and planned, with a team of technicians and camera men making sure the shots are perfect. Sometimes you've got a light reflector next to your face, and a camera six inches away from you, but you have to stay in your "zone" and act totally natural.

I want to do more commercials, especially since that is where the money is! If you are featured in a national commercial, you can make a few thousand dollars a pop, plus residuals. I think my new strategy is to find commercial work on the side to help pay my bills, while I keep trying for stage work to satisfy my creativity. (Me and everyone else in NYC has the same idea....)


  1. Fun! Definitely send out video links when you have them. xx


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