Puccini's house
I've been on such an emotional journey regarding how I feel about classical singing and my personal career goals and path as of right now. Its always fluctuating - whether I want to keep the "Musical Theater" route, if I evem want to pursue grad school for more classical voice training. I'm satisfied with the progress I'm making in the theater scene at home and my artistic progress in that field. I came to this program, and although I feel like I've been singing poorly - a combination of allergies, a confused technique, feeling insecure about my skills, inappropriate repertoire, etc - I'm starting to question if I should put classical singing on the back burner all together. I'll give a good write up of my final thoughts on this program next week....but as of right now, I'm just confused.
Last night the Bel Canto program gave a concert at Celle, which is the house that Puccini grew up in. It was an amazingly beautiful place, about 35 minutes outside of Lucca in the mountains. His house is now a museum, with actual displays of the original scores of La Boheme, Madame Butterfly, etc. It was a formal concert and we all needed a place to change, and the museum curator just told us to get dressed in the bedroom - as in - the bedroom in which Puccini and his whole legacy was born. I put on my spanx in Puccini's birthing room. LoL.
The concert was outside, for the people who live in the mountains. It was well attended, and a very cool space to sing in. Afterwards we ate a really drawn out dinner, which I wasn't really into, and kind of just wanted to go home. The people in my program aren't very warm to me (give or take a few gems), and I felt EXCEEDINGLY "awkward turtle" for most of the night. We got back at 1:30 am, ish. All in all, a very cool performing experience.
Today is a completely free day, and the only things on my agenda are to sit in the grass and read my book, paint my nails, and see my friends' concert later today. Yesssss.
Last night the Bel Canto program gave a concert at Celle, which is the house that Puccini grew up in. It was an amazingly beautiful place, about 35 minutes outside of Lucca in the mountains. His house is now a museum, with actual displays of the original scores of La Boheme, Madame Butterfly, etc. It was a formal concert and we all needed a place to change, and the museum curator just told us to get dressed in the bedroom - as in - the bedroom in which Puccini and his whole legacy was born. I put on my spanx in Puccini's birthing room. LoL.
The concert was outside, for the people who live in the mountains. It was well attended, and a very cool space to sing in. Afterwards we ate a really drawn out dinner, which I wasn't really into, and kind of just wanted to go home. The people in my program aren't very warm to me (give or take a few gems), and I felt EXCEEDINGLY "awkward turtle" for most of the night. We got back at 1:30 am, ish. All in all, a very cool performing experience.
Today is a completely free day, and the only things on my agenda are to sit in the grass and read my book, paint my nails, and see my friends' concert later today. Yesssss.
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