And the games begin
This week I went to NYC for my first round of auditions. And let me tell was quite an uphill battle....
I am slowly learning all of the rules of the AEA, or the Actors Equity Association. I'm currently accruing points towards my card (I need 50 working weeks with professional contracts to qualify)...lets just say I'm less than 20% there. However, just having your card allows you some basic union "rights" such as the privilege to wait for four hours for a Broadway audition and then get turned away...which happened to me...twice this week.
The biggest thing that I learned this week is that there are two basic types of Equity auditions (which I have permission to put myself on the wait list for, being an Equity Membership Candidate, or EMC). There are "Chorus Calls" and there are "Equity Principle Auditions." Logically you would think that the Principle Auditions would be swamped and the Chorus Calls would be empty, right? Doesn't everyone want to be a principle?
The Chorus call for the Broadway Production of the Phantom of the Opera this week had over 250 equity women at 9:30 am, before the start of the call. They didn't even get to the non-equity list (which included me, at alternate number 116).
The Chorus call for "A Little Night Music" at some little regional theater in upstate NY had over 550 equity women who signed up in advance, and 50+ on the alternate sheet. 550 women, competing for 4 roles, that only pay $555 a week. It was a 6 week contract.
The Principle Audition for "The Toxic Avenger," a new off-Broadway show, was a ghost town, with the monitor begging people to go early. Wouldn't people want a job that pays more - $800 a week - for a longer run? At an off-Broadway location? I got an audition within 20 minutes of waiting.
In conclusion - I planned 5 auditions, went to 4, got seen at 2. 0 call backs. Didn't even go to 1, figured I'd get turned away. The result? Supreme exhaustion, and I went out and bought a warmer coat. Its okay - I'm going back again on Monday.
And I just bought this dress in hotpink for upcoming audition festivals -

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