you're a mean one

I gotta hand it to Mother Nature. As soon as I get a really lovely week of auditions together, all appropriately voiced, in good locations, I'm adequately prepared...
BAM! Snow and ice storm!
No! This is terrible. I have to cancel my opera chorus audition today (that I was really looking forward to), and I straight up can't drive out of town to the audition for The Little Mermaid Broadway Open Call, and for that, I am heartbroken. They were doing something stupid, like going to random cities to look for the next Ariel, and I gotta tell you - I am ready to be her. (I even did a semi-permanent red-rinse on my hair to up my mermaid-factor.) However, Mother Nature is being nasty today, and so I'm feeling like the Grinch today.
This "Grinch Phenomenon" is something that happens to me every time it snows. Today I woke up, and opened the front door, and literally had a hissy fit at the sight of the snow. I hate the cold, nastiness of the snow. I don't think its pretty - its too bright and hurts my eyes, and leaves behind that gray/brown mush that melts and freezes, melts and freezes, all the way through April. I'd be okay if I lived in California and never saw it again...but...aparently it snows now in Las Vegas so I guess I may never be safe from snow.

However - in positive news - I'm singing a *small* solo on the opera stage at the Kennedy Center on Saturday. The kids from my old Musical Theater class are singing the finale to a Broadway Review show with big names like Brian Stokes Mitchell, Stephen Schwartz, Liz Callaway, Martin Short, and a whole bunch of others I can't remember right now.
As a small ensemble, we are singing a choral version of "For Good" and I've got a little snippet in the middle. The sweetest part of this is that Stephen Schwartz (the composer of Wicked) will be accompanying us on the piano.
So even if I am pissed today about not being Ariel, or having a steady opera chorus job, maybe I'll get to shake hands with this man....