My favorite place in DC...

For the past year, each time I walk into the Kennedy Center I say to myself, "Hello, place of my future employment..."
I am determined to work for the KC at some point.
Today I auditioned for the Washington National Opera Chorus. Let me tell you I was *nervous* this morning! The last time I did a "classical" audition was two years ago, for UMD chorus; anyways, its been a while.
It turned out to be an overwhelmingly positive experience. It was a nice change to be treated like a person instead of one-of-a-huge-mass at a cattle call. Not only that - but they took my picture and measurements for their files. They care enough to file me. How sweet.
I went in there and sang one song - a full aria - not just 16 bars! I felt I delivered the song well vocally and performance wise. What a special treat to be given respect at an audition (I am not joking).
However, I am not sure if I am exactly what they are looking for. The other women that I saw also auditioning today were substantially older than I am, and had positively amazing voices that sparkled through the door. I feel like my voice is teeny-tiny compared to that of a developed and experienced 50 year old opera singer, but hey, maybe they happen to need young and pretty sopranos in their chorus right now.
If I've learned anything this past year, it is the gigs you least expect to get are the ones you usually end up getting. Here's to - not hoping?
I also went on my first audition for a TV show this weekend. It was nice to be back in a "news anchor" type position, and it came very naturally to me. I left with the impression that I got the hopefully....I'll have some good news to officially post soon!
Tuesday brings the Leagues. Oy.
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