I'll admit...
Through it all...I really love the school I went to. I think I appreciate it so much more now than I did when I was caught up in the classes and the requirements, and the stress of having to complete "homework." I think I just don't believe in doing what someone else thinks is best for me if I can't see the point of it.
I have such a deep appreciation for that Performing Arts Library. Two weeks ago, when I went up to check out some opera scores and CDs, for a fleeting moment I thought that my library privileges would be no longer...and I think I had a mini anxiety attack. Would I have to buy all my music now? Things are okay...I have an "alumni" card for a year, or until I pay up some stupid lifetime membership fee (as if $40,000 from an undergraduate tuition wasn't enough).
Today driving onto campus for a late night rehearsal everything looked so pretty. All frozen in snow, clean, pristine. Even though I've changed so much in the six years that I've known this campus, it still feels like home to me. I feel like I can recall so much of the life I lived in my old dorms and apartments, and think I've had class in 75% of the buildings on campus. Don't get me wrong, I have no desire to go back for more schooling, but I'm really enjoying the comforting feeling I get when I drive into campus.
This weekend will bring non-comforting, and all-new experiences. I'm going to Birmingham, AL for the SETC conference. I'm not nervous. I'm excited to go, and even more excited to be going alone (I wonder who I'll meet....or who I'll bump into). Plus, the weather forecast calls for 70 degrees. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Flip flops.
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