I'm gonna look for my true love.

Today is the randomest. Day. (I've had in a while.)
A few months ago, I must have been really bored, sitting at home...and sent in my information to be considered to be on The Bachelor. They called me today and want me to send in a casting tape. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? LOL. This is really very, very funny to me. I saw the unlisted number on my phone, and jumped at it (thinking it would be a job offer from someplace else) and instead I get a nice, upbeat female voice on the line saying, "So, what did you think of The Bachelor this season?"
I told her I thought it was trashy, but they still want a tape. Get ready, America, I'm coming to Nationally Syndicated Television. Can you HAAAAAAAAAAAANDLE bRose? Will you give a ROSE to B.Rose?
I'd probably say something strange to the mystery love of my life on the first day like "You smell like lipton tea and old washclothes" and he wouldn't get it and that will be the end of my TV career and America will think that I'm terribly, terribly weird.
But I'm still gonna send a tape. Just in case.
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