Is it the weekend yet?

I really want this cell phone. Has anyone found those crazy deals online where you pay $0.01 for the phone in exchange for extending your contract an extra 2 years? I refuse to pay the retail $350 for it, but I waaannnnnt it, totally irrationally, and with no real need for it. Its so preeettty.
This has been a pretty exhausting span of 6 days, and I'm very thankful to have today off to stare at the TV and unwind. Heres what I've been up to since my last post -
Sunday: two auditions. A callback for Pajama Game for Babe and an audition for a show with the Capital Fringe Festival. I'd be really happy with either, and hope to get one of them! I need a summer gig, and both would fit the bill perfectly.
Monday: three auditions. A non-equity open call (thats so thoughtful of them!) at a big professional house in town. Sign in was at 9am, and auditions didn't start until 11am. Had to haul my booty down to VA and got stuck in helacious traffic on the GW Parkway, but still made it into the first group. A few friends that I hadn't seen in a while from past shows were there, and it was so lovely to catch up with them. Going to auditions with friends always makes the wait much more pleasant.
Second audition of the day was for a SAG industrial (Screen Actor's Guild - TV Actor's Union). Thought it went very well, and the clients were so nice, very "lets shake hands again, thank you, no, thank you!" but I had a lot of conflicts with their shooting schedule, so I'm not sure they'll ask me to be apart of their project. We'll see.
Third audition of the day was for a Sweeney Todd, being considered for Johanna. I really hope I get this one! One of my favorite shows....some of my favorite music....been trying to get into this theater for a few years now. I'm not sure how to gauge my performance in this audition. I was so tired by the third go-around of the day, that I lost some focus. At least my voice was still intact.
Tuesday & Wednesday: Long days of desk work followed by lots of rehearsal.
Today: Sweatpants, TV, and waiting for my phone to ring....
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