The Longest Wait on Earth

Yippie! Disney owns the universe!
This week I made a little trip down to Florida to visit my dear friend Courtney in Jacksonville. First off - let me say that Jacksonville is one of the cutest towns I've seen in Florida and I could see myself living there, I guess when I retire?
There happened to be a Disney open call for female vocalists while I was there so, what the heck, Courtney and I made the 2 1/2 hour drive to Orlando.
The sign-in was posted to start at 10am. We got there early, at 9:30am thinking - ok cool, we'll get a great number - but no that didn't exactly happen. There had already been a dance audition that morning (way to multi-task, Disney!), and by the time I got there, half an hour before sign in officially started, I was number 249. By the time I left the audition, I spotted numbers in the 450 zone.
4 1/2 hours later, I get back in the audition room. I had gone through a similar open call almost a year ago in Boston, and got called back for the Arielle & Belle stage shows, so I wore the same dress, and sang the same audition song. I sang much better this time and I'm even thinner this year (always a plus for aspiring Disney princesses), but sadly got no callback. Just a,"well THANKS SO MUCH for coming in!" The monitor was overly chipper and sent me on my way.
Had I known that the audition was going to be that crazily packed and slowly run, I wouldn't have gone. Courtney was the most amazing friend and waited through it all, and we got the heck out of Orlando and had dinner at IHOP.
I'm not disappointed, really. It just goes to show ya, auditioning is so subjective. Same dress, same song, but different result. Its okay, one day Disney will hire me.
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