Tethered to my ringin' telephone

Love the lovely google image search.
I am waiting on 9 different job offers. 9 different auditions that I have gone on - in the past 3 months - that all went very well, that the production team left me with encouraging words, with a really great callback and a big smile & handshake, followed by the ever elusive "we'll be in touch."
I feel tired all the time lately. I think its because I have all these "potential" jobs zooming around my head, and these "potential" schedules all conflicting with each other. Why won't someone just hop to it and cast something. Is it that difficult...?
By the end of March I can definitively cut two places off the list, in April one more, and by June, the bucket will be empty. However, by June, who knows how many more phone calls I'll be waiting for? If you want to freak me out - call me and restrict your cell phone number. I'll definitely pick it up.
I know its only March - but theaters are already casting for April '10! I want to know what I'm doing this summer, already, dangnabbit.
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