The "BJCC" or, the mammoth convention center I hauled ass around all weekend.
Now I can say that I've been to the SETCs at least once, I tried it out. Was it for me? I'm not sure. I just don't think I'm very good at large audition settings. I was unhappy with Strawhats and I was also a little bit bitter about my experience with the SETCs. I was in the first group of the morning, and 28 out of 70 companies missed my audition (19 of those were late, 9 straight up no-shows), and I am pissssssed. I want a refffunnnddd. I spend way too much money to not be considered for absolutely every job opportunity that is available to me.
Anyways - it ended up being okay I guess. After I got over the "WHAT THEY MISSED MY AUDITION" part of the morning and relaxed, I did get several good callbacks, and then made it my mission to track down the companies that missed me and introduce myself personally. This worked in a few instances, and I'm adding them to my list of companies that I think may actually offer me a job. Where I stand right now - I think I have one very likely job offer, one probable job offer, and one audition that I did really well on and think they just might cast me. By the end of 2 days, I gave away about 35 headshots and resumes!
Sang in a masterclass, it was again, OKAY, and then took one lecture which was pretty informative. Nothing spectacular, but an alright way to pass the time. I'm happy for the exposure to my peers that the masterclass gave me; people were randomly approaching me and starting up conversations because they recognized me from before.
Perhaps the most refreshing aspect of the convention was that I traveled by myself, and left having made a few new friends. I'm getting really comfortable with this - just traveling by myself and not stressing about not knowing anyone. Its especially easy to meet people as you go when you are in "actor land," because actors are super easy to strike up conversations with. I happened to be standing next to a girl at Subway who was from MoCo and we became buddies, and then met other people through other random connections. All weekend I was striking up convos with peeps left and right....I just really like that people have their guards down, and are openly friendly. I will further expound about this in a separate entry (I've gotta split this up) in a bit.
Overall - I think the SETCs were OKAY. I was hoping for a lot more Union/EMC available opportunities, and was sorely disappointed that the companies were just not all responsible enough to be in their chairs by the second auditionee of the day (i.e. me). If I got a job out of it and can make back the mammoth amount of money I spent to travel to 'Bama, then it'll be worth it, I suppose.
Next year - I'm doing the UPTAs, no doubt. I'll try one new convention per year. There are so many, apparently! Someone told me about a Midwest convention, and then there are also the NETCs.
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