Diva alert

Tonight I was working will call, and a rather unique customer came up to my window. She was a well-known operatic soprano from the 60s-70s, and when I saw the name on the ticket, I was wondering...."could this be who I think it is?"

I asked her for her photo-id, just like I do with every patron. It is policy. And besides - I wouldn't have recognized her, she is 80 years old! Not the glamorous diva I know from pictures.

She quite rudely says, "Don't you know who I am? You are obviously not a singer."

I'm sorry, Ms. Thang of '62, I am a singer, and I know who you are. Besides, your name is common, there could have been someone else by the same last name attending tonight's concert. You just need a slice of humble pie and own up to the fact that not everyone knows who you are, and that is not a crime against humanity.

I pray that I never, ever just expect people to know me, or get to the point where it is okay to be rude to "the little people." One can be a humble diva.

On another note - I saw "The Soloist" today with Jamie Foxx. I kind of hated it.


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