One long day

Today my theatre teacher hooked me up again and my former musical theatre class was invited to sing at the Kennedy Center for a distance learning, live pod-cast type thing. We sang a clip from Ragtime with the composer playing at the piano...which was a special treat...even though our call time was 8am in D.C.

The best part of the day was the I got to be a stand in for the mic check. Yeeeah!

Since that NPR article hit, people are googling my website like mad! I had 5x the normal visitors the day the story hit. Someone searched google 5 times with the search keywords "brittany nude." Um...why would this direct anyone to my website????

Opening of Strega Nona was tonight. The kids loved the show, they clapped at everything (like, costume changes), and they laughed! We had a pizza party afterwards and that was the best, to see the little ones at first tentative coming up to you, and then really excited to meet you because they think you are a super star. Tonight reminded me exactly why I love children's theater. So much joy in one little hour show!


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