Oh, Strega Nona, what to do.

Just started reading "Acting, Making it Your Business" by Casting Director Paul Russell. So far very intriguing. Only in a few chapters, so I'll have to give a more detailed review later. If anything, the book has been a good conversation starter. I can't seem to read it in public without people approaching me and going, "OOO SO YOU ARE AN ACTOR?" Its been a good way to make friends. (But its a heavy book...not recommended for purse-schlepping.)
The show is winding down, hard to believe we are on our final week. Glad to know that I can do 60 performances of one show and not get sick of it! I still love doing SN. I'm writing a list of all my favorite little moments of the show, maybe I'll post it later.
I think that is what endurance in a long run is about - A.) Taking care of yourself, and B.) finding small things that you enjoy every day. I love saying hello to my cast each morning, and also certain moments of human connection on stage within the cast and from the cast to the audience. It is what makes live theater so special. I'll miss this show.
Many lessons learned from this show. Very important to establish good professional relationships with your cast mates. Don't burn any bridges. Always remain positive and friendly. I believe in acting on impulse and reinventing character, but it is also important to remain predictable for the safety of the other cast mates and the fluidity of the show. A show that goes up 60 x must run like smooth clockwork, and if someone is taking liberties...it becomes unsafe. So many great lessons learned.
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