Home is where the heart is :)
Its almost 2am and I'm packing up what has been my home for the past five weeks. Tomorrow evening (well, I guess its technically tonight) will be our final show here at the Shakes Festival, and then Monday morning I have a 7am check out time and I'm on the road again.
These past 5 weeks have gone by so slowly and yet so quickly at the same time.
This has been unlike any other performance/educational experience that I've had. Learned a lot, but not necessarily about what I thought I'd come here to learn. Mostly learned about myself, and what I (think that I) need as a human on the road, friend, and also as an artist, to maintain a happy lifestyle away from home. It is damned hard to hit the right balance. I know for a fact I will be learning more about this in the coming year. This has been a good warm up.
I'm feeling so chipper this weekend, knowing that I'm headed NE towards the nest. I haven't felt this optimistic and cheery since the day I arrived, except the difference between June 8th and July 13 is that when I get to my destination on July 13, I'll know exactly what to expect.
Perhaps I am feeling so happy because July 13 marks the beginning of my summer vacation. I've been essentially working since April 4, since the start of Strega, without more than one day off at a time. Literally. 3 1/2 months of steady acting work, doing what I love more than anything...I am NOT complaining. Just merely self-reflecting that this may be the reason I'm feeling a bit burnt out and in need of a weekend at the beach.
Once I'm home, I'll have 3 whole months off before the tour starts. I predict that by then I'll be so refreshed/bored that I'll practically beg to move into that tour bus. But for now...there's no place like home. :)
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