Its an actor's life for me
This has been my life the last 10 days or so...
-Sleep in as late as possible (I'm finally getting good at this again! I've even slept until 2:30pm.)
-Stare at computer
-Go to the park at 5:30pm for the show
-Go out/spend time with friends after the show (circa midnight-2am)
-Go to bed at 3am.
I suppose the problem with temporarily moving your life somewhere is that you don't have all of the comforts of home, i.e., the things you like to do when you are bored. I don't have a t.v., I don't have my books. A library card here in L-ville costs $25 (hows that for promoting literacy)...I might as well buy a book (but considering that buying a few books takes a considerable amount out of my humble actor's salary, I'm trying to avoid that). So I've been catching up on sleep and trying not to gain weight.
Next time I move for 5 weeks, I'm bringing: LOTS OF BOOKS, a personal TV (because internet TV isn't as satisfying as flipping channels), posters/picture frames to make my room feel more like my room, utensils, The Sims 2. I am so surprised at how much down time I have and how little ideas I've had to fill it with.
I'd go for a run/walk, but its not safe for me to go alone, and no one will go with me (I know, I'm so pathetic and a complainer). The exercise equipment here is broken. How much does it cost to join the YMCA? At least then you know there is one in most every city you go to.
However, in my free time, has gotten a nice makeover. Check it out - a cleaner resume section, new pictures in the slide show, a new upcoming shows section, a press page. While here in Louisville a friend took some more casual headshots of me, just for fun, and I put a few on the "headshots" section of the webpage as well. I think its getting more professional and industry-standard in terms of web pages. Thanks to the one book I brought to KY with me, which is all about how to be a more professional actor.
Okay, and now - I know you all want to see the "girl" costume, so here it is. I'll shut up with the complaining already.

Official billing: "Signora Giovane Montague." Don't you remember her??? A very important character.
My shoes!
Our costume mistress, Shannon, took these hideous Payless shoes and transformed them into hand-painted, beautiful works of art. My favorite costume piece.
Oh and by the way, I found roaches in my dorm room last night. Big ones, about 2 1/2 inches long.
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