New obsession: The Neti Pot

Isn't this a great picture? Love the hair.

Like Aladdin's magic lamp...but you stick it up your nose
I have discovered the joy of the Neti Pot, which is a homeopathic device used to irrigate your nasal passages/sinuses with a simple saline solution. Let me tell feels wonderful to pour water in one nostril and it is oddly satisfying to watch it pour out the other one. You can really breathe clearly afterwards, and it relived my terrible sinus headache (I hate using Flonase and other steroid sprays if I can avoid it).
I once had a roommate who did this in the kitchen sink and I was thoroughly repulsed by this device, but I have now seen the light. If you suffer from allergies or headaches...this is a very good, natural remedy (and fun to use!).
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