Hey there, Fall.

Brr - September got really chilly. Hey there summer, cya later.

I am constantly reminded of the pendulum of success. Just when my personal life starts going down hill, my career starts picking up. When the career was lacking, the personal life was picking up. Swinging, constantly swinging. Will I ever achieve a balance of the two?

Isn't it funny how people who were once very close to you can drift in and out of your life so quickly? I think its this career path that is doing it to me. Some friends can't seem to deal with it - the traveling, the lifestyle, how I just can't go out as often. Other friends that are trying to "make it" in the industry have gotten jealous and we drift apart. Its lonely...but I'm also very fulfilled by the few friends that have stuck around through the years. I've come to realize that the older my friendships are, the stronger the bonds.

I had a "friend" tell me that they would not join the union because they are an artist. Isn't that a A.) cop-out/lame excuse, B.) insult to me and every hard-working equity member?

In positive news - I received my cast list and first on-the-road schedule for CGW yesterday. This is a reality, people. Eek!


  1. Fall coming, take care, do not catch cold or flu ^^

    I agree, it's not easy to keep such balance... but it's life... we need both so keep both and try to balance as much as you can... me too ^-*

    Good for you to have some close friends ^^

    Take care


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