Happy Hollerweeny

Long drive day today from upstate NY into Vermont. Although it was cloudy/rainy, the changing leaves on the mountains were so beautiful! I've never been to the NE part of the country before, and a few times I caught my breath. So overwhelmingly beautiful!
But really - this gloomy-cloudy thing needs to stop. I haven't seen the sun in a week! I'm gonna get a sun lamp or something.
I saw the Michael Jackson movie, This is It, last night. It was excellent! I am amazed that MJ was 50 years old, and blowing everyone out of the water with his singing and dancing. There is no excuse for today's pop stars to lip sync - ever! Michael Jackson, through all of his sickness and problems, was still focused and dedicated to his art at that later stage of his life. The movie was really great. I can only imagine what seeing the live concert would have been like.
Halloween!!! My favorite holiday!! Of course I'm dressing up, this is not even a question. However, I am kind of tired, especially after driving all day. We are close by a college town, so I'm sure we can get mixed up in some sort of a good time. Pictures to follow later!
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