And I was walking in Memphis
Let me say that Memphis is one cool place to sit down in for a couple of days. I've only been here since Tuesday, but I've seen so much.
I drove through the Historic Elwood tell the truth I'm not exactly sure who are the notable deceased that reside there, but apparently there are some criminals and other interesting figures. Regardless, the place was huge and very beautiful.

Elvis' Parlor @ Graceland
Of course an entire day was dedicated to Elvis. You can't go anywhere in Memphis without hearing "That's Alright," Elvis' first single. It is playing in so many restaurants, and is featured in every museum. Yessh....I mean, can we switch the songs up? Not like he doesn't have a hundred other hits.
Graceland was great. A literally blast from the 70s, every inch of each room was covered in some sort of fabric, shag carpeting, or mirror. Unlike other "home-tour" museums I've been to, where the rooms are sealed off by a glass case, we actually were in the rooms of Elvis' house; there were only little ropes keeping you back from sitting on the white sofas. It was pretty darn cool.
We stopped by the Heartbreak Hotel next door, but honestly, it was just like a Holiday Inn inside, except with outdated TVs from the 60s. No Thanks.
Woke up early and went shopping on Black Friday. I've never done the 8am sales was fun! The lines at Best Buy were so intense, they were winding up and down the aisles. I got a pair of high quality headphones so I can listen to my music and finally take a peaceful nap in the van on the longer car days. I'm looking forward to it.
Ate lunch at a place called Hueys, where you can shoot your toothpick into the ceiling. The ceiling is covered in them! I literally haven't had one bad meal since I've been in Tennessee.
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