We performed in a castle.

Castle-theater. Westchester, PA
Most of our venues so far seem to be performing arts centers or universities. So far I've seen a whooole lot of universities, I almost wish my brother or someone I knew was applying to school and was asking me for advice, because in the last 5 weeks I have seen at least 5 college campuses. Its bound to be more by the end of the tour.
We ended up less than an hour from Philly and onto the Westchester University campus. Beautiful space. The stage has what is called a "rake" - like a very gradual ramp. This is something we hadn't worked before. After 3 shows, my buns were burning (but after Philly I could have used more burn! Bring on the workouts!)
Great shows - my personal best so far. The experience was heightened because I had some special guests in the audience. Mom's best friend from high school and her family drove out to see me perform! I hadn't seen them in 5 years +, and it was wonderful.
I have learned from being away from home, the value of a familiar face. It just warms your heart the way nothing else can! Especially when I'm going from hotel room to hotel room, city to city, with nothing familiar except my coworkers whom I met a mere two months ago, someone who knows your history just feels so good. Its a comfortable, warm, fuzzy feeling that left me with a smile on my face for the rest of the day. If you are reading this - THANK YOU FOR COMING TO THE SHOW!!! And ps - Yes I took the flowers home, they were beautiful :)
What a gorgeous theatre! You're seeing the country in such a cool way. :)