Its the Last Midnight

This is the last evening I will spend on tour for the next three weeks. And it feels so good.

A little recap on this week -

My cold has settled into my chest, and I now have this terrible, wet whooping cough that scares people around me. I know I do not have an infection, nor does it feel like a sinus infection, but just something really annoying that has settled into my post-nasal/chest. Every time I cough, I am making myself hoarse, but when I don't cough, I feel like I am choking. Help! I am on a billion and one medicines right now, drinking about 4L of water a day, and am feeling very lost. I do not want to develop laryngitis, especially since I've got a boat load of Christmas singing to do in the next few weeks. I would just stick to water and rough it out, but I need to be healed...quick.

I did learn how to mark my show. Its so hard for me to hold back, but I think that was a big part of my problem for the last few months. Whenever I felt vocally under the weather, I would try to "push" through, but would only damage my voice more. I finally trusted myself to cut the volume and let the electronics do the rest. I do not enjoy doing this, but its just what I had to do for the last few days to save myself from complete vocal exhaustion/humiliation. They still clapped. Kids still laughed (in a good way).

Our final number has a reoccurring line in it that goes, "Fun fun fun." We were having some extra fun with it today, as everyone was so excited to pack up and get the heck out of Dodge.

Looking forward to Christmas/Church singing work at home, some light traveling with family, catching up with friends, and relaxation.

Happy Holidays!

Love, B


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