God's country

New Mexico

First week back on the road. I haven't written anything because there hasn't been much to report! We spent a few days in Oklahoma City to be greeted by an unseasonable icy front, which cancelled a day of shows, but coincidentally, did not cancel the donor cocktail party. We all had a bit of fun at that event...what a hard day of work, right?

Its a lot of driving. We are entering a set of three consecutive, 8 hr days of driving, from Oklahoma City to L.A. Its amazing to witness the land changing from the van window. From the flat, wheat color of Oklahoma, to the dryness of the pan handle of Texas, and into the red, rocky soil of New Mexico.

Speaking of the panhandle of Texas, look at these sweet t-shirts I found on my lunch break -

I also saw my first tumble-weed today while I was driving. I was very excited...I thought those things only existed in Wile E. Coyote cartoons.

We are stopping over in Albuquerque, NM for one night. What a beautiful town! The elevation is one the highest of any US city, at 5,000 feet above sea level. I feel a little dizzy, and I got winded very easily while working out. The air smells delicious, like a sweet-wood fire scent. Someone thought it smelt like church incense. The people here strike me as very kind. The woman at the front desk said that the people of Albuquerque are the "Manana" type, as in, "Relax, I'll get to it tomorrow." We are coming back here in a few weeks, I can't wait to explore the city some more. Apparently the Old Town area is quite beautiful, and of course there are the lovely Sandia Mountains to admire.

Onwards to Arizona tomorrow. The weather gets warmer and warmer every time we get out of the van. Each day I wake up and think, "Never in my life did I ever think I'd go to [insert current location]." Its truly an adventure.


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