Bee Happy
I made a commitment to stay in D.C. for a year, and from that step, I would throw out to the mythical and magical powers of the universe some good karma that other positive influences would come my way. As per usual, the "when it rains/it pours" theory is starting to pull through, and the pins are falling into place. (Uh, hopefully I'm not jinxing myself.)
**Fingers crossed** I'll have approval on my new apartment and be moved in June 1.
Today I was offered a very lovely job opportunity to work with some very talented people. The "oh-my-god-I'm-never-going-to-work-again" anxiety crush is over.
I had a nagging feeling that I wouldn't book any work for a year. Happy that I can put that insecurity away for a while. When I think about being away from the feel, and smell, and energy of the theater, I don't feel relief - I feel depressed. Its truly the food of my soul.
On an unrelated note, I can't believe how fast a year has gone by. This time last year I was moving to Kentucky to do some Shakespeare. Kentucky......lightyears and yesterday all at the same time.
Its late and I'm singing at church tomorrow! Goodnight.
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