Movin on up
It is my sincerest wish to revamp this blog and make it more interesting and consistent for all (5) of my readers! I am also going to make the bold move of going public. For the past 2 years that I've been writing (wow...I can't believe its been that long), this has always been a sort of private project, a way to let my family and closest friends know whats going on in my life. At the nudging of a few people, I think I'm going to advertise it a little more openly (i.e. put a link on facebook and my website) to try and get more traffic. Am I that interesting? I get joy in being a source of entertainment to others (well, obviously).
I am one of the newer contributors to the blog: Unscripted. I've been writing short stories about what its like to be an actor, pretty much like what I write here, but it has a further reaching audience. The idea is that it is a blog written for actors by actors. You can go here to check out the articles I've written so far!
** I am creating an email list so I can update people with upcoming performance info. If you'd like to added, please contact me with your email address. **
And onto bigger news - its MOVING WEEKEND! I have all my life-stuffs in about 13 boxes and all my furniture is hanging out in little huddles around the house. Thank goodness we hired professional movers! I did move a few fragile pieces to the apartment today, and once I set up my first lamp, it finally felt official. Pictures to follow in the following days.
I've been singing a lot this week, and ya know, it makes me really happy. Check, please. On the right path. More updates later.
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