Inspiration and opportunity

National Cathedral, NW DC
You never know when inspiration will strike. I find the architecture of the National Cathedral to be particularly beautiful, with its spires forever reaching up towards the sky, and presumably, towards God, even on the dreariest of June afternoons. I've passed it tons of times, and rehearsed inside a lot lately, but it wasn't until last week that I stopped and noticed. Sometimes we are all in such a hurry that we pass by the extraordinary beauty around us.
Today was rather interesting. One of the cancelled auditions due to my sickness was rescheduled so I schlepped down to northern VA for a super-duper fast, 1 minute audition. The time I spent in my car putting on my high heels and lipstick was longer than it took for me to read the sides. Really? Really?
Today I was afforded an opportunity to go to FRANCE. There is a pay-to-sing opera-based educational program that I've had my eye on for a while, and apparently they had a cancellation. To go to France, or not to go to France, that is the question.
I undoubtedly am not finished with my classical music education, but I've put it on hold for the next few years in search of a more theater-based career. This program does not conflict with any of my already scheduled performances, it is 7 weeks, and has been offered at an excellent bargain. It does, however, derail my plans of focusing on acting and dancing classes this summer, which was my immediate goal for the coming months. Part of me feels that success comes from focused study and effort in one direction, i.e. Don't go to France and focus on theater. The other part of me feels that it is FRANCE and these kinds of last minute opportunities may not continue to pop up forever, i.e. Go to France and have a great time.
Decisions, decisions.....
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