OMG, Shoes.

Born Hydrangea Sandal in Squash
About two months ago I fell in love with these shoes in the Salon department of Nordstroms. They are so ridiculously comfortable, and I was shocked that Born had turned out such a cute, and comfortable pair of shoes. I regret not buying them then and there, when I had the extra $$ to spend. Alas me, being cheap.
I've known it was true love because I keep thinking about those shoes! Anyone who knows me well knows I'm a "shoe freak" and cannot get enough of beautiful footwear. Today I got this little tickling feeling, this little evil voice that was telling me, "Buy a new pair of shoes today."
Okay, I don't take much convincing. I didn't have $130 laying around to get the pretty Borns, and I own a lot of pumps, so I decided to plunge into the wedge trend thats going around.
Michael Antonio Galian Wedge in Yellow
I can't wait! They are going to be so cute with dresses.
If you go to there are a lot of online coupons right now like free shipping and apparently I'm getting a free sports water bottle, too? Type SHIPR for free shipping and BOTTLE for a freebie at checkout.
(end of shoe geek out.)
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