Re: Motivation

Ew - Cinnabon flavored cereal? For those of us who don't have the time to go to Cinnabon but still want to fulfill our Cinnabon cravings? I love Cinnabon and whenever I smell a store from a mile away I have to either walk very quickly past or just get a bun and stuff my face, but a cereal product just seems so disgusting to me. I also like that it was shelved between the two blandest cereals on the shelf, Chex and plain Corn Flakes. You are walking down the aisle amongst the plain Mom-approved breakfast and BAM - Cinnabon. And why the high-action milk splashing image? From what height did they drop the CinnaBomb into the bowl? I also find the omnipresent rolls blurred yet hanging out in the background to be a little creepy. "Crunchy Cinnamon Multi Grain Ceral?" Yes, its called Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
This is a very roundabout way of telling you that I went to the grocery store tonight, Saturday, at 9pm. Why would a 20 something living in a hip-metropolitan area be spending her evenings at Giant? Well.....partially for the people watching (best selection of people at Giant tonight! All kinds of folks shopping on a weekend night!) and mostly because tonight was my only day off this week.
Now to the good stuff - this week I embarked on my two week training course/intensive. We go in at 10am and leave around 9pm each day. Time is divided in sessions of 2 hours, and we alternate between singing, dancing, acting, and guest artists. All of the information is very helpful and specific. The group of 20 has such a wide range of ages and experience levels, we've got everything from professional experience (a la me and one or two others) to 16 year olds in high school. Regardless of the generational gaps going on everyone seems to get a long. We tend to eat meals in one loud group. There's a nice sense of camaraderie.
Next week is bound to be exciting; we are getting new headshots taken, having guest casting directors workshop our songs, and our showcase. Then its back to desk jobs and real life...but for now, I get to be 16 and back in theater camp.
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