While She Was Busy Being Free

A second trip to beautiful Israel....
My first trip to Europe with an eye-opening study abroad opera program in the quaint town of Lucca, Italy.
Graduating after 4.5 never ending years of hard work and having the privilege of singing one of my favorite songs in front of 10,000 people.

Having my first experience with traveling away for a job and coping with the ups and downs of relocation and making new friends (I think I did okay, though). Learning what it is like to live in the south, as well as being away from home for long periods of time...
Seeing 36 states in 5 months and basically living in a Chevy van and Holiday Inn Expresses. I will never be able to look at powdered eggs or plasticky single-wrapped soap bars ever again.

And finally, succeeding in landing on my own two feet, in a cute little apartment to call 50% my own. That might be my proudest accomplishment to date.
Its certainly been a happy, fulfilling, and self-exploratory time. Here's to the next year ahead (whatever the heck that might bring, I have no idea).
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