I'm Back

My acting intensive has wrapped. At 132 hours of jam-packed musical theater workshops, I do feel re-focused and like I learned something. I'm also pretty tired! Our final cabaret performance was pulled together nicely, with each of us singing one song, and with a few group dance numbers sprinkled in. The entire black-box theater was full with supportive friends and family, and after each number there was a roaring applause. Just a lot of love zooming around.

I got to practice belting for basically the first time in my life. Belting is scary. Belting is awesome. I can belt. I can belt high....something I never knew how to do (correctly) before. I can almost see the doors to previously unconsidered possibilities opening...

Started my Shakespeare Scene Study class the last Monday. So far we learned about scansionand how it informs character. Its stuff I've basically had little experience in and I'm eager to dive deep into the subject.

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate
Conception, NE Washington, DC

Have I mentioned how much I love DC? Only in DC can I go to a sketchy McDonalds and then drive 2 minutes and be at arguably one of the most beautiful churches in the country.

This is even more striking in person with all the engraving on the walls.

Sang a piece for double chorus and double organ at The National Shrine Basilica of the Immaculate Conception (don't you love the long church titles?) last night. There was a problem with one of the organs and there was an initial whisper that started at the front of the church and slowly spread to all 3,000 people. It was like a cartoon.

This has been a really long past three weeks. I was supposed to go to the beach tomorrow, but its looking like rain. :(


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