Pose for the Camera Now *flick* *flick*

photo cr: Rodger Constantin
I've been booking a lot of modeling jobs lately. I NOT 5'9" and I am NOT 100 lbs. I'm learning that there is so much more to the modeling industry than just your size. So much of it has to do with your "look;" and if your image inspires a photographer to want to shoot you. You can be the thinnest and most beautiful person in the world, but if you have no expression, it will be fairly uninspiring.
As an actor, I find modeling to be an excellent exercise in practicing a range of emotions. You are constantly self-aware of your body alignment all while portraying a natural human expression on your face. There is so much creative freedom to express whatever you want to, and there is so much to express! Its basically physical theater, frozen in a snap-shot.
A picture does not allow room for lying. When there is no expression behind the eyes, it is glaringly obvious to the viewer. I find myself looking for challenges - recalling difficult times in my life, trying to pinpoint specific emotions, and then looking forward to seeing the images.
As a model, my acting experience helps create a beautiful, and meaningful image. As an actor, being a model is an outlet to exercise self-awareness and exploration.
This is an interesting tangent-career path that I've found, but hey, I'm all about making the most of my opportunities.
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