
This is the second fall that I'm not going back to college, but I am back in class. I've been trying to make at least one dance class a week, and I have an acting class that meets on Saturday mornings. Starting next week, I'll be adding another acting class to my schedule, which rounds me out at 3 classes per week. Not bad for a do-it-yourself school schedule.

Being back in class reminds me that - you have to work hard at your craft. Really hard. Excellence takes thought, and commitment, and artistry, which are all things that I almost forget while in school because I was too busy memorizing text books.

My "audition techniques" class takes me totally out of my comfort zone, because we prepare a new monologue every week. I left my first class feeling under prepared and quite frankly, embarrassed, but that renewed in me a sense of hardwork and commitment. Why get up to act if you aren't going to give it all you've got? No more being a lazy actor. Today I made a notebook for my acting studies, old school. It felt like a step in the right direction.

Tomorrow I am going to NYC for a brief visit to do some auditions and catch up with friends. I can't wait for the change of scenery.


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