The Slaw Update I found this in a CVS. This was on a label for socks. What is she talking on? Is that a portable phone? NO! Its a cell phone the size of a shoe box. And what does spandex have to with this picture at all? She is wearing some pretty baggy 80s clothing. I am very confused as to why this picture goes with this pair of back socks...
Remember when I said I was excited for the results of my yearly physical? Turns out that after only six months of cutting meat out of my diet, my cholesterol, has improved significantly. Although my weight held steady, my good cholesterol went up and bad cholesterol went down. I've never been an athletic person, but I do feel that working out is a lot easier now than it was in the past. I feel less winded and a bit lighter on my feet.

Back to NYC today for an extended trip. There are so many good auditions this week, all for legit musicals like The King and I, Cinderella, Secret Garden. I'm packing up my audition dress and heels again, and back to the megabus, I go! Send me your good mojo. Catch me on twitter for more frequent updates, and look for a full recap back on the bloggety-blog on Thursday.


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