Fast Track
This city is no place to be shy. My life is on a faster track; like someone turned up the volume.
Almost every day something random and new happens. On Saturday night a disco ball fell on my face at a night club - now how many times in my life will that happen? Some jerk was trying to make the ball spin faster, and the result was a sparkly bang to my cheekbone. I was fine; the guy got kicked out of the bar, and my friends and I managed to have a pretty good night.
On Sunday, a man stopped me in Times Square to simply say, "Bonjour." Before I could summon up my French vocabulary, he was gone.
On Monday I overheard someone talking in a coffee shop about how they were interested in building a website, and I introduced myself and gave them my card. I have never been so forward before, but it paid off. They were completely receptive. I now carry my cards with me everywhere I go.
Today I interviewed for a bar tending position, and was offered a spot in a televised karaoke competition. I'm telling you...this city keeps throwing me curve balls.
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