New Chapter: Page One
Pulling away from home reminded me an awful lot of the series finale of Six Feet Under, when Claire leaves home.
As both of my parents are sick right now, I wasn't able to give them the hugs I wanted to. Instead we had some teary-eyed goodbyes, at a distance, which only served to compound my emotions more.
I had originally said that I would only take one suitcase with me, but as per usual, my belongings slowly started to grow, and before I knew it, my car was stuffed to the gills.
Driving myself out of the neighborhood, and towards the highway, I was flooded with memory and emotion. How many times have I made that same drive from my parent's house down the main thoroughfare of our community? Passing by my high school, my first boyfriend's house, and past the parking lot where I learned to drive. Onto the local highway, each exit has significance. My voice teacher, my first apartment, my college job, my church gig, another boyfriend, my university, going North past Baltimore, and I finally reach a stretch of highway that doesn't mean much to me.
Slowly the path starts to pick up meaning again. Verazzano Bridge reminds me of trips to my cousin's house, although this time I take a slightly different route.
I arrive at my new home in a little over five hours. 240 miles and another world away...
I'm greeted by the loveliest bouquet of flowers, sent unbeknownest to me by my friend Alison. The flower delivery man says, "For Brittany - in Greek - Brittania!"
My roommates are sweet, they help me unpack, and I start page one of the newest chapter of my life.
As both of my parents are sick right now, I wasn't able to give them the hugs I wanted to. Instead we had some teary-eyed goodbyes, at a distance, which only served to compound my emotions more.
I had originally said that I would only take one suitcase with me, but as per usual, my belongings slowly started to grow, and before I knew it, my car was stuffed to the gills.
Driving myself out of the neighborhood, and towards the highway, I was flooded with memory and emotion. How many times have I made that same drive from my parent's house down the main thoroughfare of our community? Passing by my high school, my first boyfriend's house, and past the parking lot where I learned to drive. Onto the local highway, each exit has significance. My voice teacher, my first apartment, my college job, my church gig, another boyfriend, my university, going North past Baltimore, and I finally reach a stretch of highway that doesn't mean much to me.
Slowly the path starts to pick up meaning again. Verazzano Bridge reminds me of trips to my cousin's house, although this time I take a slightly different route.
I arrive at my new home in a little over five hours. 240 miles and another world away...
I'm greeted by the loveliest bouquet of flowers, sent unbeknownest to me by my friend Alison. The flower delivery man says, "For Brittany - in Greek - Brittania!"
My roommates are sweet, they help me unpack, and I start page one of the newest chapter of my life.
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