So much behind feeling at home is in finding places in which you feel comfortable. Places that you feel like you belong.
No matter how I may feel like Snow White living with her dwarfs (my male roommates are a bit messy at times), I feel at home.
I've been working to find connections within my community. I found a perfect yoga studio two subway stops away that offers classes based on a donation based rate. Even non-donation classes are only $5, and I find myself racing to yoga when I need to get out of the house or to find a clearer mind.
When I have an emptier schedule, I take my laptop into Midtown on a hunt for the perfect coffee shop. Most often you can find me at Gregory's Coffee, visiting my friend Rachel who is a manager there. I like to say hello to her, and then cozy up in the corner for a few hours and get my emails and other online work done.
My Meisner acting classes have been an instant recipe for making friends. I did not expect to have new friends in such a short amount of time, but I have a nice handful of new people who have been spicing up my life quite nicely.
My second acting class has also been an eye-opener, and I'm getting new headshots in preparation for an agent meeting in a few weeks.
Today marked my first day of as a work study at a Midtown dance studio. In exchange for one shift of front desk work, I receive four extremely discounted dance classes, as well as studio space for practicing.
Each week I have acting class three times, and I hope to get into dance class three times a week. Life is suddenly so busy and full!
I start training for a new job tonight; working for a promotions company. Yes, I will be handing out coupons, but for the right price, I'll do just about anything. At least I'm not wearing a sandwich board in Times Square. I still have some dignity, after all.
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