Oprah, Living Your Best Life

Astoria Park: I just can't get enough of it.

Did you see the Oprah Show, 25 Year Finale today?

I found it incredibly inspirational.

The first two of the three day special were spent on lavish musical numbers all praising Oprah. While entertaining, it was a little cult-church-creepy, being held in a major basketball stadium in Chicago.

Her last show today took it back to the beginning, her viewers. She expressed so much grace, so much humility, and so much gratitude, it took my breath away several times. I'm very happy I had my new friend with me, TiVo, to rewind and re-watch certain moments.

One of her many poignant quotes was,

"Everybody has a calling. And your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it."

She also talked about sending out good energy, and how the energy you put forward effects the people and circumstances around you.

"Please be responsible for the energy you bring into this space."

And at the very end with tears in her eyes, she confessed that while she did not know much love as a child, through the Oprah Show, she has known the love of millions. This show has been the great love of her life.

Seeing such passion and devotion put a tear in my eye, too.

I'll miss that lady in her 4 o'clock time slot.


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