The Little Britt That Could

I've struggled with exercise my entire life. Always being the chubby kid, burdened with asthma and extra weight, I have never enjoyed a racing heart beat. Whenever we'd do the "fun run" in school, I'd totally rebel - and walk. I would give up before even starting. It always seemed so easy for the other kids, why did I have such trouble running?

Even in college and my post-college life, I'd go to the gym and literally stare down the counter on the elliptical or whatever hybrid cardio machine of the day. Sending lazer beams from my eyes to the machine to speed up time, make it over already.

The other day I was so fed up and stressed, I had to leave my house. I strapped on my sneakers and ipod and made my way down to Astoria Park. First I started walking; and before I knew it, had picked up my pace into a little jog-shuffle.

Its been one entire week of jogging in the park. In the past whenever I'd exercise, I always had to distract myself in two ways to make it bearable; usually with a book and music, or tv and music. This is so much better.

I like to run along the water, watch the cargo ships come and go, and reflect on my new life in the city. I finally feel like my mind is starting to free itself of the, "Oh my God, how many more minutes are left?" mindset. I'm taking all expectations off of jogging. No weight goals. No time limit. Just jogging at whatever pace is comfortable for however long is comfortable.

As each day goes on, I get faster and can run for a little bit longer. Is that the secret to swallowing things you don't like? No expectations?


  1. I love this post. That's exactly how I got started too! There was a park path along the river near my old apartment with quarter mile markers... I'd start slow, and before I knew it.. I was able to run the whole mile to the park. Good thing it was just getting to the park because before I knew it, that mile was just a warm up for the following 10 mile run ;)


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