Thinking about Alaska
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire! NYC has warmed up so much it feels like Italy, except with a whole bucket of humidity on top.
I don't have an AC unit in my room. I'm trying to rough it out until I can retrieve it from my parent's house in July; but I'm not sure I'll make it that long.
How I tried to (kind of) keep cool on a hot NYC night without an air conditioner:
Filled up a pan with ice cubes, frozen peas, lunch packs, frozen water bottles; anything frozen I could find.
Placed the fan directly behind it. The air is cooler....ahh.
Then I wet a bunch of cloth headbands I had lying around. One on the head, two on the wrists. That provided relief for about five minutes, before the headbands dried up, leaving me looking like an 80's flash dancer.
My ice melted within 30 minutes.
I gave up after a few hours and slept in front of the window unit in the living room.
Thinking cold thoughts....
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