Love, Loss, and .... Where is the Exit?

The bad news is that there's a lot of terrible acting on- and off- Broadway

The good news is that if they somehow made it through the cracks to success, there's hope for me!

Last night I experienced my worst piece of New York theater. Love, Loss, and What I Wore is not in itself a bad show. I found the writing very cute and laugh-out-loud funny at select moments. The problem is the obvious lack of interest in the script by the cast. While I understand that they rotate casts every few weeks, the actors read from scripts on music stands. They appear to just be reading a story and not living it.

I kept waiting for intermission so I could leave, but there was no intermission and I was trapped for two hours of mediocrity.

One actress was so horrendously bad and representational in her acting, that when she told a story of overcoming breast cancer, I was actually offended. I was offended because in her telling the story, she was lying. There was not an ounce of sincerity of human connection four out of the five actresses. One of these women was a two-time Tony nominee.

Are you freaking kidding me?

Either there's hope for all the young performers who care about presenting good work, OR Broadway is dying and is about to be taken off of life support. My optimism leans towards the former.


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