No Weasels Here

The Most Perfectly Purple Theater of them all
Please see handy sign for proper pronunciation.
We performed for over 3,000 delightful, enthusiastic children at the Van Wezel center. This was my second time on stage in the great purple shell.

Believe me when I say, our show might as well have been a Hannah Montana concert, judging by applause and audience activity. 1,600 kids clapping along to the music during the overture, and we knew we were going to be rock stars for the day.

This house is pretty large, seating about 1,700. It is wide sprawling, stadium-like seating. It doesn't look like that many seats until they are filled with 5 year olds. 

My co-worker whispered to me that he was a little nervous right before we went onstage. I had a flash back to my first tour when I felt that last minute anticipation before walking on stage.

The true key to nervousness is allowing yourself to just have fun, and stay connected to the moment and people you are building on stage, and remembering to breathe. Once I stopped thinking about how the audience was judging me, the nerves melted away. And afterall, the kids love this story and are an incredibly generous audience. I could crack my voice and run off-stage in a frenzy and I'm sure they'd think it was funny.

Stealthy picture taken backstage during sound check
 Thanks to the Van Wezel and staff for a wonderful day of performances! Next stop: The Nashville Children's Theater.


  1. Actually, it would correctly be pronounced, "Fon Vate-zel" but nobody ever says it that way... down here in Sarasota we all just say, "Van Weasel!"


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