Happy New Years
In the interest of self-reflection and growth, I've been thinking back on 2011.
A lot has happened, although at each step along the way, it didn't seem like much. I think the experiences of 2011 are helping me to prepare for upcoming adventures. I am much happier and more secure with who I am as an adult and a performer than I was a year ago. I feel lighter, and with a broader perspective. For that, I am thankful.
In 2011, I moved three times. From my bed bugged-apartment in MD, to my four month sublet in New York, to a more long-term New York apartment. I not only lived in two major metropolitan areas, I went on tour again, to 16 states in three months. I performed my first opera. I made a handful of new friends, some of whom stuck, and others that turned out to only be temporary. I had the privilege of working with amazing people who became my road-family. I worked for six different employers. I started my own web-design business. I re-designed my own website three times. I got new headshots. I wrote 50,000 words during National Novel Writing Month. I had a summer romance. I learned to loosen up and have fun. I learned to discipline myself to achieve small goals.
I'm starting my New Years Eve with two afternoon shows. Usually I loathe New Years, because it is the type of holiday where you feel that you have to go out and do something because the whole world is celebrating, but ironically, none of your friends commit to plans until 4pm that night. This New Years is quite the opposite - I have a fancy party to go to with new friends, and a more laid back party with my old besties. Plus, I've got a super cute outfit and I'm looking forward to some great plans in 2012, so why shouldn't I be excited? 2012 is my year, ya'll....
A lot has happened, although at each step along the way, it didn't seem like much. I think the experiences of 2011 are helping me to prepare for upcoming adventures. I am much happier and more secure with who I am as an adult and a performer than I was a year ago. I feel lighter, and with a broader perspective. For that, I am thankful.
In 2011, I moved three times. From my bed bugged-apartment in MD, to my four month sublet in New York, to a more long-term New York apartment. I not only lived in two major metropolitan areas, I went on tour again, to 16 states in three months. I performed my first opera. I made a handful of new friends, some of whom stuck, and others that turned out to only be temporary. I had the privilege of working with amazing people who became my road-family. I worked for six different employers. I started my own web-design business. I re-designed my own website three times. I got new headshots. I wrote 50,000 words during National Novel Writing Month. I had a summer romance. I learned to loosen up and have fun. I learned to discipline myself to achieve small goals.
I'm starting my New Years Eve with two afternoon shows. Usually I loathe New Years, because it is the type of holiday where you feel that you have to go out and do something because the whole world is celebrating, but ironically, none of your friends commit to plans until 4pm that night. This New Years is quite the opposite - I have a fancy party to go to with new friends, and a more laid back party with my old besties. Plus, I've got a super cute outfit and I'm looking forward to some great plans in 2012, so why shouldn't I be excited? 2012 is my year, ya'll....