Harold's Famous Deli

Corned Beef, Latkah, and Kanish
On a recent day off in New Jersey, we took a field trip to Harold's Famous Deli, which is off of exit 10 on the Jersey Turnpike. This restaurant has been a special road-trip pit stop to my family, and I wanted to share it with my coworkers. My mother usually brings a cooler with her and picks up meat for our family and her friends. Its a special thing to have someone bring you back a sandwich from Edison, NJ.

Harold's is famous for its enormous portion sizes. One sandwich has up to 3 lbs of meat and is definitely meant to share. What I didn't realize is that everything feeds 3-4 people. Take a look at this matzoh ball.

This matzoh ball is as big as my face. Although impressive in size, I have to say that my mother's matzoh ball soup is better. 

The food is so good here that even dead people keep coming! This place is always crowded, with all kinds of people. Truckers, workers, hearse-drivers, a lot of Jewish people, and everything in between. Although the enormous portion sizes - especially the meat - essentially go against everything I believe about food culture; I have to make an exception. The food here is just that good. (And yes, I had a bite of that sandwich. Its corned beef! Its the stuff Jewish childhood! No vegetarian is perfect. )


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