Once a Ham, Always a Ham

I hope you had a restful holiday weekend! Most of my time was spent singing in church; I'm talking a four-plus-hour-singing-extravaganza that had my legs and arms sore the next morning. Thats right, I'm a hardcore choir singer.

My family has started to digitize our old family movies. What I discovered in the process is that I was just a big of a ham at age two as I am today. We found video after video of me singing and dancing for the family. The earliest footage of me performing for family was before I was even speaking. As I got older, one of my favorite games was to set up the home camera, and make music videos by puppeteering my stuffed animals and making them "sing" while I hid underneath the table. I made up commercials and even a family news show, featuring my younger brother as the news anchor. Anytime my father was taking a home video, I made sure to pop up in front of the camera.

Seems like the signs were there pretty early.


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