Double Grrzzz

Fact: living and auditioning in NYC is really, freaking hard. Fun, but exhausting.

This is my first time going full-hog, attending every audition I can, and treating it like a full time job. The problem is that although it takes up all of my energy, planning, preparing, and going to the auditions, I'm not getting paid. #grrr

I may even be putting more than 40 hrs a week towards this full-time auditioning thing, and I see other girls doing it, too; but how the heck do they find a job that is flexible enough to let them audition around their jobs? Since I don't want to work evenings, I feel forced to choose between working or auditioning. I don't want to quell my chances of auditioning and eventual artistic employment because my temp position is 9-5.

Yesterday I had an alternate number for a popular, off-broadway audition. I missed them calling my name by about 10 minutes. I went back to the end of the alternate line, but sadly they didn't get to me before the end of the day. At least I got free tickets to see an off-Broadway play, which made the day feel fruitful.

This morning I'm hauling my tired butt out early to sign up for an appointment later today. Then I'll swing back to my hood, go to the gym, prepare and get ready for this afternoon's audition. I have a trial voice lesson with a teacher this afternoon, followed by a free movie screening that I'm really excited about.

The weekend is just one day away...


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