Do You Have an Audition Strategy?
I've been regrouping my audition strategy. In February, I challenged myself to attend as many open calls as possible. While this was a great learning experience, and a great way to learn what pieces in my book work well, I didn't book one job or even one callback.
I've been shifting my time use to submitting for auditions instead of just attending open calls. What started as something I did out of boredom at desk jobs has quickly become my best way to getting work! It takes a bit more time on the upswing to research, write cover letters, and attach your headshot; but the benefits are tenfold.
As someone without representation, submitting gives the auditors some familiarity with my materials before I step in the audition room. Actually getting appointments in advance makes me more likely to truly prepare, and you don't have to get out of bed at the crack of dawn! Score.
I had submitted to be part of a production company that supplies singers for weddings and other events. I was on my way to my appointment yesterday and decided to check on my car, since I'd parked on an unfamiliar street late the night before.
My worst having-a-car-in-NYC nightmare came true; my car wasn't there! I had parked in a school zone with the tiniest "no parking during school hours" sign. I had to miss the appointment and retrieve my car from the impound lot which was inconveniently located on the other side of Queens.
A million dollars later, and with my car parked in it's regular spot, I was able to get in touch with the auditors. They were gracious enough to give me an appointment for the next day! If it had been an open call, that wouldn't have happened.
They liked me and called me back! I've been auditioning in NYC for an entire year, and finally have my first callback! Progress is slooooow in this town, especially for a 5'4," caucasian, brunette, Eliza Doolittle wannabe, soprano like me.
Victory!!! My car is safe and I have outward validation that I can sing. Of course I know this, but it's oh-so-sweet to have others recognize your talent.
....and Mom is here this weekend! We're gonna be doing lots of eating and exploring this weekend.
Happy Earth day! If you are near Times Square, swing by for a free t-shirt and some samples of Eco-friendly products.
Congrats on the callback! :) Boo on the missing car.
ReplyDeleteThanks, lady. :)