Checking off my Chekhov

I've been back in class for about two weeks now and I can just keeps getting better! I had only three courses last semester, and right now I have five different subjects. The work load has tripled, and I love it.

We are studying Chekhov, Commercial Acting, On-Camera Acting, Shakespeare/ Vocal Production, Body Dynamics, and Business of Acting. My to-do has a lot of "read this play" and "memorize." For my Chekhov scene I need to go thrifting to find a rehearsal costume that can approximate 1890s in Russia.

I've never studied the plays of Anton Chekhov before, but the process reminds me of my literature classes from college. Chekhov immerses the story line, and it requires a lot of digging to find the gems and to understand what he is saying about society. It is very smart, and still current.

Tomorrow we are working on Shakespeare sonnets -- yay!


  1. Я иногда читаю твой блог и радуюсь твоим успехам. Какие пьесы чехова вы изучаете? Мне тоже очень нравятся рассказы Чехова, пьесы нравятся немного меньше. Желаю удачи!


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